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0518 東大研討會講座海報_日本_CS5_外框-01.jpg

​長友大輔 Daisuke Nagatomo



演講題目 Title:

型塑空間 Forming the space

演講摘要 Summary:
〈Forming the space – Daisuke Nagatomo〉


Edge Ltd from Peter Macapia studio in Columbia, which utilizes computational fluid dynamics.
New Media School for ACADIA competition in 2006, which also won FEIDAD award in 2008. The project employs Voronoi tessellation to form new structural typology for media school. 
FabLab House at IaaC of Barcelona, which was built for entering Solar Decathlon Europe 2010. Applying parametric modeling to simulate sun exposure on the volume and fabricate via CAD/CAM. Received People’s Choice Award at SDE 2010.
Orchid House with NCTU (NYCU), which entered Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 at Versailles, France. With 30 students and 10 faculty members to compete with 19 other university teams around the world. There are 10 days to assemble the house prototype on site and another 10 days to compete the competition. Our project received 1st prize on urban design, 2nd place on innovation, third place for Energy Efficiency and public choice online. 
Lightscape and Spiral Pavilion, where we experiment technology, material and design. These investigations helped us to design Spiral Stool, which received Platinum A’Design award from Italy, where I received the designer of the year. We also received Best of Golden Pin with Spiral Stool. 

Previously, I have tried to explore design option in these three categories. Technology, Sustainability, and Culture. However, I start feeling that what is important for us is to think them as whole. We need to overlap them as much as we can to create the core value of design.



( 中文)

Edge Ltd:來自哥倫比亞的Peter Macapia工作室,利用計算流體力學。
FabLab House:位於巴塞隆納的加泰隆尼亞高等建築研究所(IaaC),為參與2010年歐洲太陽能十項全能大賽(Solar Decathlon Europe 2010)而建造。應用參數化模型模擬量體上的陽光照射,並透過CAD/CAM製作。在SDE 2010上獲得「人氣獎」。

輕亭(Lightscape Pavilion)、紙築空間(Spiral Pavilion):我們在其中進行技術、材料、設計的實驗。上述研究幫助我們設計了好好摺紙凳(Spiral Stool),而獲得義大利A'設計大獎賽白金獎,我亦獲得年度設計獎。我們的好好摺紙凳還獲得了金點設計獎的年度最佳設計獎。


0428 東大研討會講座海報_德國_CS5_外框_工作區域 1.jpg

柏菲利 Felix von Bomhard



Founder, by associates co.,ltd.,


演講題目 Title:
外圍視角 The view from outside 

演講摘要 Summary:
〈The view from outside – Felix von〉 Bomhard〉


One important part of design is to offer an outside perspective to a project. The designers background and expertise all influence and enrich their capabilities. The more we see and learn, the more we can offer and add to our designs. 

A brief introduction of Felix von Bomhard’s curriculum and his company by associates, which he co-founded with Keira Yang, will set the background for the lecture. 

Having grown up in Germany and having lived and worked in Spain, France and London, Felix von Bomhard draws extensively on his experiences with different cultural backgrounds in his approach to design. 

The topic of seeing things from the outside with a different perspective, is then visually explored through various projects from by associates. By associates is specialised in visual identity for companies and brands of all ways of life and the presentation will also focus on these.  

Ultimately, this talk aims to show how our personal background and experiences - besides design skills, can be an important asset, that should not be forgotten when approaching a design project.


( 中文)


講者柏菲利 Felix von Bomhard 成長於德國,在西班牙、法國、倫敦生活且工作,遊歷各地接觸各異的文化背景都成為其設計工作的滋潤養分。他與楊詠雯 Keira Yang 共同創辦果多設計(by associates co., ltd.),此次會藉由果多設計受委託的專案作品,探討如何可能迥異於常的跳脫思維轉換為切入點,進而在視覺面實現。




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